Prepare for the Longest Solar Eclipse of the century!

Picture by Alex Polezhaev

Picture by Alex Polezhaev

Solar Eclipse

22nd July 2009. 5:30-7:30AM in India

There will be a complete Solar Eclipse on 22nd July 2009. According to Indian Standard Time, the solar eclipse will be seen between 5:31 AM to 7:25 AM.

It is a rare Astronomical event as this Solar Eclipse is accompanied by 2 lunar eclipses 2 weeks each side of it (July 7th and August 6th). Among 224 solar eclipses in the 21st century, this solar eclipse will have longest duration of totality.

A “solar eclipse” tends to symbolize the “external or outer landscape expression” in life. A more active, energized, wildly alive and vibrant energy. Reserved its not. We will feel the Total Solar Eclipse and New Moon energy washing over us like a large wave – the influence will be noticeable to those who are tuned in.

Solar Eclipses are, quite simply, the most powerful cosmic tools the universe uses to move us forward. Ready or not, here they come. They uproot us and push us and prod us out of our comfort zones. If we feel we don’t have time, we don’t have enough money, we are not ready yet, or for any other reason we feel we can’t meet the challenges the universe presents, we find that we do succeed, despite our initial doubts. Later we see the changes wrought were for the best. To stay in your present same-old pattern would not bring you any personal growth.

It signifies on the deepest level a powerful potential of new beginnings.The Eclipse will shake you loose of any stagnant patterns and bring about intense transformation/change/growth and thus expressing more of your potential.

It is possible an old or past issue, pattern (or person) may return so you can finalize the “lesson or learning” and complete the chapter. There may be surprises in store, stay open instead of fixed idea of how things will happen.

It is helpful to be in nature and ground some of the energies swirling within you. If you can spend some time near water, attune yourself to the water element and meditate.

Keep your attention upon the expanded view point of the beautiful change of energies unfolding and occurring.

Earth will receive very high amounts of energies on this day. Meditation on 22nd July from 5.31-7.25 AM is a must for all spiritual aspirants

Article of the Month

Interview with Dr. Paula Horan

Dr. Paula Horan, the Reiki master who brought Reiki to India, talks about Reiki, how to select your reiki master, and more!

Click here to read the article

Meditation for World Peace

Let us all use this opportunity to pray for love and peace to fill each heart, and for everyone to experience true bliss from within. Let us send reiki to the intent

“Every living being on earth is peaceful and filled with universal love, every human being chooses to be honest and all living beings experience abundance in every aspect of their lives; This is so, thank you reiki, thy will be done”

If you are a reiki 1 channel, please write this on a small piece of paper, keep it between your hands and give it reiki, while mentally requesting the same. Second level channels may make an intention slip as usual and give it reiki healing. Take care not to use any full stops while you copy this intention.

All the channels sending reiki together is bound to have quite a powerful effect, and if there is any personal wish you want to make, you may pray for that too.

Let us all meditate on this intention at 6:30AM on 22nd July, Wednesday.

Upcoming Classes

Reiki I
1 Aug 2009, Saturday

Reiki II + optional PLR
25 Jul 2009, Saturday