Q&A: Does Non-veg Interfere with Reiki/ Spiritual Growth?

Does non veg affect our capacity to channel Reiki?

I don’t really believe it does. Maybe ‘heavy’ non-veg like pork or beef, or even something like mutton if the person is sensitive and not strongly grounded.

Ultimately it is a person’s level of surrender that makes a difference. What you eat does affect your state of mind, but this effect is lesser ultimately than the thought pollution we are surrounded by, and is certainly much lesser than intent and conscious hard work on oneself. So all these can affect meditative states depending on grounding, but in Reiki you are a channel so it is not that critical in my opinion. Alcohol can affect one though, because it makes one prone to picking up negative energy so while healing others one might pick up something dangerous, that’s all.

Can you please explain this a bit more?
What you eat does affect your state of mind, but this effect is lesser ultimately than the thought pollution we are surrounded by, and is certainly much lesser than intent and conscious hard work on oneself. So all these can affect meditative states.

We are influenced by various things. Food is one of those things, especially since it is exactly those molecules that go in and settle within our body, so if they are low vibrating then it pulls our vibration down. It is not just non-veg, but also food prepared by an angry or low vibration person is very tamasic (low vibration), and over eating also creates the same impact. Various vegetarian foods are rajasic (active energy) and can create a very noisy mind when eaten, and yet many eat it thinking of it as satvik (high vibration).

Basically if you are calm when you meditate, you are in a satvik state. If your mind is going crazy with thoughts it is rajasic and if you fall asleep then you are tamasic. Food is just one of the factors. Too much or too little sleep will make you tamasic. Too much exercise will make you tamasic or rajasic depending on factors. Hanging out with low vibration people will pull you down. Being too ambitious will make your mind rajasic, being too lazy will make your mind tamasic.

Food becomes critical mainly if everything else is in order. People whose minds are very quiet can very quickly sense noise in their minds when the food is prepared by a person with low vibration.

So it is very possible to be someone who eats non veg and be a person of a very high vibration if the grounding, intent and spiritual sadhana is very strong. Because this will motivate a person not to act on the crap the mind produces. Otherwise we can see many vegetarians that are absolute monsters all over the country. Hitler was also vegetarian. Regulation of food comes much later, even our scriptures recommended vaishyas and rajputs to eat meat because they worked quite hard. Brahmins were engaged in deep spiritual activity and only they were vegetarians.