Reiki Detox Diet

Fasting is a beautiful way of eliminating toxins in the body. It is also very controversial, with many scientists refuting claims that fasting has any serious benefits. Unfortunately, it is used widely as a marketing gimmick, as many people are willing to experiment to lose weight. Fasting does help although to think that it has long lasting effects, would be wrong – as the body will simply build up toxins again if there is no change in lifestyle. However, regular detoxes can keep the system clean and prevent overload, improving regular health.

The Advantages

Our mealtimes are often far from ideal, and this results in the stomach working overtime and tiring out. Fasting allows the stomach to rest. The liver also works very hard cleansing the toxins our system absorbs from the food and beverages we consume, the creams we apply on our skin and the pollution we are exposed to. 60 tons of food passes through the digestive tract during an average lifetime – so it pays to give it a rest once in a while. It is a very effective organ so merely easing off the burden on it allows it to release the toxins it has been trying to offload. Similarly, the kidneys also get flushed out if you drink warm water throughout the day.

As Reiki is very cleansing, a fast hastens the process and lets the body drop easily whatever is weighing it down. During the 21-day cleansing process, fasting can ensure that any cleansing symptoms are greatly minimized.

How Often?

Once a week fasting is very effective and very wonderful for the body. If once a week is too often, then once in two weeks is good. Indians often fast on ekadashi, the 11th day after the full and new moons. It is a convenient ritual, one that is purported to bring spiritual benefits as well. If you are doing this once in a few months, maybe 3-5 days is a good duration to flush the body. It is, however, better and more effective to fast one day a week.

What to Eat?

If you’re new to fasting, you could start with eliminating grains from your food. Stick to milk, fruits and steamed vegetables. To go a step further, you could do a raw food or a juice fast.

Start your day by drinking a glass of warm water with the juice of half a lemon and a teaspoon of honey.

If you’re doing a raw food fast, you could soak nuts, dry fruits and raisins overnight, and eat them in the morning. Include a variety of vegetables like gourds. (Update: This article has some ideas for salads). Eat small portions multiple times in a day, and make sure you don’t starve. It is likely that you will experience hunger and cravings, often more than usual on days when you are fasting.

What to Drink?

Drinking plenty of warm water throughout the day. Avoid tea, coffee, and other stimulants. Ginger, tulsi, turmeric and cumin teas are great in helping the body flush out toxins. Fruit juices are also good as long as they are made at home and are sugar free. Tomato juice also has numerous health benefits.


You can gently, lovingly dry brush your body (see Kenyoku Ho) before bath to increase circulation. If you tend to have dry skin and a low appetite, then an oil massage with sesame oil is good. If you have a strong appetite and prefer cold weather, then an oil massage with Olive oil is a good idea. Make sure you massage yourself lovingly and slowly before taking a hot water bath.


Healing the food with Reiki before we eat will heal any energy defects and make the food more nutritious. We could heal the water before the shower or bath as well.

Of course, a daily Reiki routine is a must during this fast to ensure that we increase the benefits of the fast. In addition to the chakra points, also include healing for the liver and kidneys.