Reiki for Those Who Cannot Visualize

Many teachers tend to combine Reiki or meditation and other similar practices with visualisation. Now, this can be complicated, because not everyone is visual. Confused by the way she was taught Reiki self-healing – through visualisation – a woman recently asked a question.

Can everyone visualise? I find it do hard to do. I can sometimes imagine something if I’ve seen it but generally I can’t, so i struggle to imagine a bright white light coming in my crown chakra and my palms. I struggle to ground myself for the same reason. It’s making me not want to do Reiki. How do you visualise? Is it clear? Is it in colour? I’ve tried self healing and meditation (again I struggle with meditation for same reason)

Here is what I would say to anyone struggling with the same problem:

First, if you are visualising, you are not meditating, you are a step behind meditation. Meditation is just witnessing – if your mind is ‘doing’ (eg visualising, chanting) something, then you are doing what in yoga is called dharana – directing the mind. Dhyana – meditation – is merely to be a witness. Visualising is useful for people who have no idea about meditation and would like to prepare themselves for the real process.
Second – there are 3 broad kinds of people – visual (about 80% I think), auditory and kinesthetic. Since a large majority is visual, most processes are oriented towards them – including education. People belonging to the latter 2 categories usually struggle with everything for this reason, not just guided visualisations. If you can’t visualise there’s nothing wrong with you, you’re just better at something else. Take a visualisation and convert it to something that makes sense to you. (For eg if you’re asked to imagine the most relaxing place, but you’re auditory – then imagine the most soothing sounds/ music/ voice)

Third, Reiki does not required visualising at all. I never teach it in my classes. I probably never had to fall back on visualising because I’m not visual myself. Reiki works through intent and surrender. Intend for it to flow, and surrender to the process. That is really all you need, simple as it sounds. If you want to ground yourself but cannot imagine, say a prayer to the earth instead, or whatever you can do to feel connected to the earth.