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Reiki Healing Techniques

Reiki cures almost all ailments over a period of time either directly by providing enough energy for healing, or by bringing one in touch with someone capable of healing. All ailments are a result of mental and emotional imbalances, and many times, the manifestation of a disease is a result of long-term mental or emotional turbulences, or simply unlearned lessons.

Daily full body healing will resolve all problems over a period of time. In addition, one may focus on specific chakras to hasten healing of certain ailments.

Please note that the points mentioned below are only for your reference in the initial few days after having learned Reiki. If you are practicing Reiki regularly, you will not need the following information, as we would rather have you trust your intuition and focus on a point on the client's body, based on your gut feeling. These points are only for your guidance if you haven't yet been able to understand which points need more energy than the others. The best guide to healing is one's intuition itself, and it is best to let the energy guide you.

Reiki for Migraine
Reiki for Sinusitis
Reiki for Epilepsy
Reiki for Weight Control
Reiki for Asthma
Reiki for Heart Diseases
Reiki for Eye Problems
Reiki During Pregnancy
Reiki After Death

If there is any other ailment that you want to learn how to heal, please send us a message.

Note: All the following chakras should be healing in addition to the full body healing.

Reiki for Migraine

Heal the liver.
Ayurvedic Accompaniments: Pluck holy basil flowers (tulsi flowers) after they are dry, and crush them (or grind using a stone). Consume about 1 tbsp of this powder with honey on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning. In chronic cases, repeat for three days.

Reiki for Sinusitis

Heal the brow and heart chakra.

Reiki for Epilepsy

Heal the brow chakra, heart chakra, liver, pancreas, stomach, intestines, kidneys and spine.

Reiki for Weight Control

Heal the brow chakra, heart chakra, solar chakra, back heart chakra, liver, pancreas, stomach, intestines, kidneys and spine.

Reiki for Asthma

Heal the brow chakra, back heart chakra, bronchi, lungs, diaphragm, liver, pancreas, stomach, intestines, kidneys and nose.

Reiki for Heart Diseases

For any kind of heart problems, heal the following points: back heart chakra, liver, pancreas, stomach, intestines, kidneys and spine.

In case you are witness to a heart attack in progress, first give reiki to the solar plexus, followed by the hara chakra. Give reiki to these two points consecutively until medical help appears. Avoid giving reiki directly to the heart in this case. Ask the person to cough artificially continuously, and perform a CPR.

Reiki for Eye Problems

The following healing technique is very effective in healing all types of eye problems, including myopia (short-sight), conjunctivitis, trachoma, leucoma, trichiasis, cataract, glaucoma, etc.

Heal the eye balls, inner and outer corners of eyes, and back brow chakra. You may also heal crown chakra, brow chakra, kidneys, liver, womb and ovaries in addition to the fore-mentioned points. Treat both eyes in all cases. Wearing an energised amethyst crystal specifically charged for healing the eyes, and drinking charged water also add to the effect.

Reiki During Pregnancy

Regular reiki healing helps expecting mothers to have an easy and normal delivery. Extra reiki should be given to the crown, brow, solar and hara chakras. One may also give reiki to the child for healthy development and a spiritual outlook in life.

Reiki After Death

Reiki is very helpful in case of death, both to the deceased and the grieving. Just before death, reiki helps the person have a very smooth passage, and after death too, it helps heal the soul.

To send reiki to someone who has recently passed away, imagine the person in front of you, and imagine a white (or golden pink) ray of light entering their body from the top of their head and filling up their body and then their entire aura, in an egg-shaped field. Second degree channels and above can imagine the symbols on their body as well.

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