Are We Interfering With Karma When We Heal?

One question that often gets thrown around by Indians is – what if the client’s problem is part of their karma? Am I interfering with their karma and if so, will I be taking on their karma?

Karmic interference is happening all the time, in every moment, every action we take. When we feed a hungry person, we are engaging karmically. When we soothe a crying child we are engaging karmically, when we rush a person to a hospital we are engaging karmically. But we’re also engaging karmically if we refuse to feed that hungry person, ignore that crying child and leave that injured person to die on the road.

‘Karma’ is not exactly action in the common parlance, although that is the literal translation. ‘Karma’ refers to attachment. For example, if someone dropped a cup of hot coffee on you by mistake, you would be annoyed, maybe injured, but not hateful or vengeful. If on the other hand it was done with anger and spite, you would likely carry anger within you for years. So you see, it is not the action, it is what hides behind the action that constitutes karma.

Today due to a lack of enough information, a lot of healers engage in karmic interference. The question we need to ask ourselves before healing is merely, are we attached to the outcome or are we an instrument of the universe? Because if our desire when we practice healing is merely to bring balance and allow the universe to do what it needs to do, then we are practicing powerful spiritual principles. On the other hand if we are trying to ‘help’ the other person by manipulating their body, mind or life in order to make them happy, then we are creating an interference.

It’s not so much what we do, but the ‘why’ of it, which really matters on a karmic level.