Did Reiki Originate in India? An Indian's Perspective

Did Reiki Originate in India? An Indian’s Perspective

Today, someone wrote to me asking what I thought about the origin of Reiki, because they read an article where the author mentioned that Reiki originated in Japan. But wasn’t ir rediscovered, they asked. Isn’t it an originally Indian system that got rediscovered by Mikao Usui? The following is my response to this lovely woman, and I felt I would also share it here in case anyone else had a similar question. I leave the message as it is, as it is too long for me to reformat as an article.


I do believe that the system of Reiki originated in Japan. Mikao Usui studied various Buddhist teachings and even his Reiki levels at the start were based on the system of Judo – I think 10 levels if I am correct, and over time with experience, he brought it down to 3. Mikao Usui’s system looks remarkably like pranic healing, which also is a Chinese system by the way, it is probably the Eastern spiritual teachings which had a foundation for such work, considering that none of the modern healing systems originated in India and a significantly large number originated in the East, 2 in Japan itself. Reiki initiations also involve breathwork, which is typical of Tai Chi and Qi Gong practices. They are the ones who use breath to move energy around, pranayama does not do that, breath here is something to reconnect with the body.

Did he come to India and learn anything? I am not aware of any research that has revealed this, I’ve only heard some shady Indian teachers say this on YouTube.

If he did come to India and if it was transformational, I am surprised that there isn’t even the use of something like Om or mantras or the chakras in his work. When I see his work too, I see no traces of Hinduism. It would be deeply disrespectful I think, if he created a system using Hindu principles. It is Tantrik practices that involve healing, and none of them are without mantras, he should have at least used Om somewhere in his work if he did come to India, that is my perspective anyway.

I have not read the scriptures. But as far as my knowledge goes, there is also no mention in any of the scriptures of the process of healing through the hands or even of healing the chakras. Certainly not in the Vedas, not even in the Upanishads as much as I am aware. The chakras are mainly mentioned in the context of the development of the kundalini. I could be wrong, I would love a reference if such exists.

Why do I believe that Reiki originated in Japan? Because I don’t believe Reiki was ‘RE’-discovered. There are absolutely no signs of any system of healing in either Hindu or Buddhist cultures where the energy does the healing by itself. All forms of Pranic healing under all names have one foundation traditionally – years of practice of martial arts to strengthen the body and then using the strength thus gained to help people when required.

First, not a single guru in India is known for using their hands to heal. Second, all Hindu gurus worth their salt have insisted throughout history that healing should never be the objective or even practiced, and if anything, it is a major obstacle on the spiritual pathway. If he did learn this in India, it would then mean that he disrespected his guru and got distracted by the powers he gained along the way.

Now, lastly, did Mikao Usui practice the same Reiki that we practice today? I believe not. He taught Gassho, Reiji ho, Chiryo Ho and mostly importantly, Byosen – scanning the energy field for blocks was the first thing taught to students. He had a different solution for every ailment, unlike our current Reiki practice which is chakra-based and a one-size-fits-all.

How did this shift happen? Here I believe it was someone genuinely spiritually evolved that brought about a shift, because for once, they didn’t concern themselves to attach their names to it. There are over a thousand systems of Reiki in the world today, teachers making a minor name and rebranding it, and yet nobody knows who introduced the chakra system into it.

I believe the chakra healing shift was a major upgrade, and certainly, THIS is an Indian influence. And somehow, by the grace of God, it brought in this aspect of truly stepping aside and letting the energy do the work. You can practice Reiki now without Byosen – even if you have absolutely no feelings, you can still do Reiki. Even if you have absolutely no knowledge, you can still heal people. Even if you have absolutely no experience, you can still heal people because it is the energy which heals, not the person who diagnoses and treats, which to me, is still what Mikao Usui did.

So there you have it. Personally, to me, it doesn’t matter where it began, only that it is THE most life affirming and protective forces I have encountered in my many decades on the spirital pathway in this lifetime. But if it matters to you, I’d like you leave you with this idea. Reiki is universal energy. And universal energy wasn’t born in any country at all.