Q&A: Can Reiki Make Me Too Sensitive?

Hi Ashwita, with regular self- healing we do achieve a sense of stability and balance. However does this also make one more sensitive or susceptible to adverse situations/people/arguments/opinions, etc? I’ve noticed that my head becomes heavy, lightheaded like I’m under stress/pressure and it makes me feel uncomfortable. I find it takes more time and effort to relax and regain my old self.

Yes this can happen – same thing – focus more on healing the lower chakras, it will stabilize your system more. With a strong Reiki practice, you have access to a lot more information and initially this extra information can be overwhelming and can cause a little ungrounding since it is a sudden increase of information inflow that the body has to deal with. So extra focus on healing the lower chakras for a few months will help you stabilize

Thanks Ashwita. Certainly I will do as you suggest. Hopefully it is nothing to fear.
I felt quite incapacitated and helpless, thinking to myself what has Reiki done to me…I have been working all along to be more resilient but have I undone it with Reiki… as I feel I am becoming weaker and emotionally fragile.

Yes this is bound to happen if your approach has been to suppress your emotions your whole life. Reiki will bring them to the forefront and blow them up in your face – and if you’ve spent your whole life confusing rigid with strong, it is going to leave you feeling helpless and fragile.

You weren’t resilient, you were good at suppressing your emotions. Just take this as a fresh opportunity to relearn how to process emotions in the proper way so that it doesn’t turn into baggage.

If you imagine that strength means never being affected, you are wrong. Only psychopaths feel nothing. Strength is to feel freely, but to have the freedom to choose action that is independent of feelings.

Initially when you are faced with a strength of emotions you have never encountered before, it is natural to feel dizzy and make a few mistakes, but slowly you cross that stage and get to a place where you are free to witness emotions as they come up while at the same time being able to set them aside and take the right action.