What is the Importance of a Guru?

Recently a student messaged me privately and it was a conversation I thought worth making a post out of. I hope you enjoy this.

What is the importance of a guru?

We cannot see ourselves. But someone who is at a higher perspective can, and can see us very clearly, more than others at the same level. This is the role of a guru. So not everyone needs a sadguru (which is THE guru that takes you to enlightenment) but a guru is enough for most – just someone who will take you to the next level by showing you the mirror to who you are.

Does Guru help in becoming a true seeker?

Hopefully the guru will stop the seeking. But the answer is yes and no, depending on your stage. During parts of the path, the guru will help you become a more sincere ‘seeker’, if that is your role in this life.

Then how does the Guru assist if we are lost on a different path?

There will be no other path or getting lost if you are in surrender to the guru. If you’re lost and away from the guru, the guru will usually just wait until you return. This is free will, no guru will violate that.

Do I need a guru if I don’t have any questions, but need help in formulating the right ones?

You don’t need to be able to ask a question with a guru – although you always can. A real guru heals just by their presence, from what I have experienced. The presence of a guru transcends words

Should I blindly follow a guru, or should I question everything?

Both are not worthwhile states of being. A disciple is a person who first tests the guru, ascertains trust, and then obeys. And then questions when there is doubt. The Hindu pathway is not one of blind obedience.