Happy Independence Day!

Article of the Month

Happy Independence Day! On this day, I wish for everyone, that we could be free to be who we really are. The lack of freedom that we experience within ourselves is due to the conditioning we subject ourselves to, day in and day out. Here’s an article to shed some light upon what our lives have become today. The Sheepish Tiger

Upcoming Event

We have a program called Dying for Truth, coming up in a week. The program will dwell upon witnessing and transcending our fears related to death, apart from deep meditations to help us move past stages that one typically goes past only after death. If you (the ego) die before the body, it clears away all your baggage, and the incessant chatter of the mind finally ceases – this program will nudge you in that direction.

Jacqueline brings with her a presence that helps lift you up no matter where you are in life. Click here for details.


We joined together to heal the poor and destitute for free, at a charity hospital early this month. It was a heartening experience. The one moment that left us all stunned and inspired was when a burn victim, with bandages almost all over her body, sat in the chair for healing, and smiled at us. When we asked her how she was, she smiled again and said ‘good’.

With a team that could manage multiple local languages, from Hindi, kannada, Tamil, Telugu, it was easy to communicate with the patients. The doctors took utmost care of us, making sure we were healing only the ‘safe’ patients, to ensure that we didn’t put our own health at risk in order to help others.