Full Moon Meditation

Full moons are great times to meditate. The tides are high, both inside and outside, and this is the perfect time to clear out the energies that have been holding us back in life. If you are meditating outdoors: Outdoors…

Reiki Music

Combining meditation with Reiki is a wonderful way of deepening Reiki practice. When you place your hands on each chakra, allow yourself to go inwards deeply. Become aware of what is happening inside – inside your mind, inside your body….

Nourishing Baths: Reiki & Ayurveda

It is a fast paced world, generally speaking, and we want to slow down sometimes. All the running can leave most people feeling parched – and one beautiful remedy is a long, nourishing bath. When scientists look for life outside…

Instant Reiki for Emotional Pain

We hear people say something like ‘My heart went out to the poor soul’, but never, ‘My mind (or brain) went out to the poor soul’. Heart is the center for emotions, empathy and true love. Yes, we do need…

Placebo is a Myth

The bane of modern medicine, the placebo effect is something that embarrasses most of the medical fraternity. They try to work around it, they look down upon it, they scoff at systems that they think work primarily because of the…

Q&A: Problems with Relatives

Q: How can I use my Reiki to help my brother-in law that is an alcoholic and always trying to cause conflict in the family? He is an identical twin to my husband.He does not believe in any form of…

Reach your Optimum Weight with Reiki

While some people seem to be able to eat all they want without ever putting on weight, others seem to gain weight by just breathing. Before we try to alter our weight, it is important to let go of social…

Healing Food thru Reiki

For most people, memories of childhood, memories of home will inevitably conjure up memories of food. Food lovingly cooked and served by their mothers. There was a time when we ate mostly fresh food, prepared with vegetables that were full…

Reiki and Sleep

One cannot overstate the importance of sleep. This is when the body gets to repair and rejuvenate. The number of hours that we sleep in itself is very important, as several studies have shown. Inadequate sleep is associated with several…

The Importance of Grounding

As a species, we have forgotten our relationship with the earth. Mankind is looked upon as something separate from nature, as something that triumphs over, conquers nature. We have forgotten who we are – a part of the earth. This…