Importance of Receiving Healing

Just back from a trip, I didn’t have any appointments. I called up my friend as she had promised me a Reiki healing in return for a healing that I had given her. She started the Reiki session and off…

How to Pick a Good Reiki Teacher

Reiki is a life changing system. Not only have I witnessed it changing my own life, but also that of many others, and quite radically at that, turning their lives and personalities around so that they’re nearly unrecognizable sometimes. But…

Types of Reiki & Energy Healing

A few years ago, during a very engaging conversation about spirituality, an ascetic had remarked to me “Oh, but no one’s interested in enlightenment, Ashwita!” I didn’t believe him at that time, but as I continued my Reiki practice, I…

Self Healing w Pictures

Before we begin, please read through this page for information about self healing. Ok, so start by mentally saying the three lines of gratitude, where you thank the healer, Reiki and the client. In this case, the healer as well as the…

How to be a Good Reiki Healer

Reiki is one of the simplest methods available in the modern society, to rid oneself of physical, mental, emotional and other ailments. But there is one important aspect to it – it needs regular practice. No matter how many levels…

Reiki for Drinking Water

When scientists look outside the earth for signs of life, they look for water. Because if there is water on a planet, sooner or later, there is going to be life. Water brings life, nourishment, healing and cleansing. The importance…

Reiki Self Healing

More and more, I find people contacting me and asking how to practice Reiki, hence this article. It is important to get attuned by a Reiki teacher to start your Reiki practice, and in a typical class, there should also…

Sugar Substitutes: Bitter Facts

  Article of the Month: Sweet Poison: The Harmful Effects of Sugar Substitutes Sugar is portrayed as poison today, and rightly so. Many of us feel that it is safer to opt for the Sanjeev Kapoor and Bipasha Basu endorsed…

Fee for Reiki Healing?

This has always been a big question in my mind. My teacher had told that Reiki shouldn’t be given free. Still, time and again, this question would pop up in my mind. One a close friend’s wife came for Reiki…

Children's Reiki Class, Reiki Survey, and more!

Reiki Class for Children After many requests, we are finally having a Reiki class for children, on 30th May 2010, Sunday. Timings are 10:30AM to about 6PM, and fee is Rs. 1000 per head. Please contact us if you need…